Tuesday, May 31, 2016

MayDay Boudoir Day Reflection - 5/1/16

Well, it's the last Tuesday in May which means the MayDay Boudoir Day was a month ago already (WOW)! All of the editing is done, all orders that have been placed are in, and I'm a little sad it's over! However, this particular boudoir event was special, and a bit of a landmark in terms of my artistic career. With one (actually...two....no, three....) so far scheduled ahead in the near future, I do have stuff to look forward to.

I had last done a Boudoir Day in April 2014, and it was one of my favorite things I had ever done. It was so rewarding, and while I like other forms of photography, I felt a belonging and meaning for my work through Boudoir. It was a random thought on a random day in march where I didn't even tell Toby about my idea. I just thought to myself I've gotta do this again. So I made a quick little photo graphic, emailed some people to gather a team, and ran with it. I was spamming so crazy with social media feeds, wanting it so badly to happen. We ended up booking four lovely ladies for this event!

Everything went SO well! Hotel Ruby Marie gave us their most beautiful suite from last time with plenty of space and beautiful vintage, Victorian era furniture with sunlight dripping through. This historical Madison landmark provided us with plenty of space and amenities to shoot in, get hair and makeup done, set up the champagne and other refreshments with the gift bags and product samples, as well as for the clients to feel comfortable and change in. I don't have enough good things to say about this place.

Our team included myself, Kerry Conway from Hybrid Salon working her hair and makeup magic, and a couple of dear friends that helped host as well as assist with lighting, donate to the gift bags, and hang out with our clients and make them feel happy and comfortable. We had so much fun this entire day! We had a group of very different, very awesome ladies. We had two brides-to-be: one a fitness instructor and massage therapist, the other a pure romance consultant who also works at a local news station in her town. One lady was single, back to school for Psychology, and on her way to Spain for the Summer. Another was another fitness instructor and part time barista in a relationship doing this for herself and her personal training business.

Whenever I wrapped up a shoot, I would tell the client that the shoot was over unless they needed anything else. Each time, without fail, the client would proclaim something along the lines of: "Oh my god that was so much fun!" They didn't even see their photos yet. After we finished our work for the day, we did ourselves a favor by toasting with the remaining bit of champagne we had left over from the event.

Afterward, I immediately went home and uploaded them to my computer and began the long editing process. I shared and blogged images in the meantime, and I was floored by the feedback I received on the images. I loved reading through the comments from friends and family of the clients saying how beautiful and amazing their loved one was. This brought tears to my eyes.

xx emily

PS: Below are some images from Instagram as I always share some behind-the-scenes of every event and photoshoot I can. This way followers can get a taste of what the day is like, and maybe they'll see it for themselves someday. For future Boudoir Day events, or to book your own, please visit emilybartos.com for more information.

Product samples and refreshments for all.

Each client got their own "Unicorn Gift Bag" full of awesome goodies.

Kerry working her magic.

More makeup magic.

The crew!

Cheers to a successful day!

A video posted by Emily Bartos (@emily_bartos) on

Monday, May 30, 2016

Monster Monday: SASSquatch - 5/30/16

Today's digital illustration is taken from a sketch I had for a merchandise idea. Bringing it to life in Adobe Illustrator was the first step in order to making this happen. Doesn't this bigfoot babe have a lot of sass? She's got it goin' on! ;-) (Wow...I can't believe I just wrote that).

As far as Emily's Monster Shop goes, I have put the shop on hold for the time being. Before you ask, I have NO intention of shutting the shop down. I am in the slow and steady process of turning it into a merchandise shop for my own brand as well as Singular Fortean's monsters. I want to put monster designs on shirts, phone cases, mugs, patches, art prints, totes, and more! This of course requires a lot of research and overhead in order to make this happen, but once production begins, we will be accomplishing a really unique and fun goal that will be great for both brands! Patience grasshoppers, keep your eyes peeled. The shop allows me to let my super-imaginative, whimsical creations live on perfectly marketable products!

I plan on creating monster sculptures for custom orders only for some time as I shift the focus of the shop for the time being.

Happy Monster Monday,

xx emily

Sunday, May 29, 2016

#AskEmilytheArtist, Questions from 5/18/16 - 5/25/16

Happy Wednesday, everyone!

I've only been at this Q&A thing for two weeks now, but I'm not getting many questions. I expected that, but maybe I should come up with another thing for Wednesdays until I get more questions. I'll consider trying #AskEmilytheArtist for a couple more weeks, but I'm really curious about what you guys want to see from me and my brand. I'm an open book, so please comment here or send me a message on any social media platform if you have any ideas. If you guys like these Q&A's, say so! I'm all about what you guys would like from me as well as keeping a platform of the art community.

I only had one question last week, but it was a fun one!

 Thanks @clarissarod, this is a fun question!  In a way, it's almost like that infamous"What's your favorite movie?" question that is hard to answer because there are so many great movies.

My favorite medium to view is probably painting as there are so many classics from so many masters and getting to see the texture and the paint in real-life, right in front of your eyes is a humbling experience for me. There's so many layers to a painting and it's interesting to think about the materials, the hours, and everything else behind its creation.

As far as creating goes, this is a hard question. I love drawing and painting of course, but I'd probably have to say photography. It's kind of crazy that humans found a way to capture moments instantly. Otherwise, all we'd have are our own memories. The fact that we can immortalize moments in our lives and look back is really awesome. I also love this medium for finding beauty in the everyday. You can paint whatever you want, but can you photograph whatever you want? It's a fun challenge for me.

Thanks for the question! Can't wait for next week, and please let me know if there's something you'd like to read about on the blog or see on all your news feeds. If you have something you'd like to ask, please take to Twitter or SnapChat today and ask me a question to see on next week's blog!

xx emily

Friday, May 27, 2016

A New Metamorphosis, out of the Chrysalis She Flies (Personal) - 5/27/16

It's amazing how life can change its course so quickly. I was brought up with the mantra All things happen for a reason. As I've aged and grown, I find this statement to be more true every year.

I won't bore you with my life story, but for the past year and a half I have been working as a manager at a coffee shop. I've worked with some truly amazing people and practically swam in a sea of free coffee. I learned a lot about being a leader and about who I am as a person through this job. Two days ago I put in my notice, with only two shifts left.

Why did this happen so suddenly? I start a new job on Tuesday, and it feels unreal. My official job title is: Graphic Designer, not Shift Leader. The office is downtown in an old, historic building with high ceilings with gorgeous molding, white walls, plenty of sunlight, and orchids scattered about. If I were to imagine my dream office, this place is what I would have dreamed about. Not to mention that this is a real graphic design job, for a real agency that does social media graphic design for mainly beauty and salon brands. It couldn't be more perfect.

I've easily been looking for that "big-girl job" since I finished the design program at the UW last summer. It's taken over a year for me to get here, and it wasn't easy. But I can't forget the humbling experience of working hard in a job I knew wasn't for me. I got down on myself a lot, and it affected my attitude towards the grind (at a coffee shop, ha ha) of the service industry, and honestly, my life in general. I felt very stuck where I was and bitter towards the fact that I am pushing 30 and was still working there.

The truth is, it is never as dark as it seems. I was there because it was a job and I had to pay my bills. I had to give a shit, take care of myself, and remember how good I have it. I'm running two (sort of 3) brands outside work. I've been back to school twice. I've got my own wonderful, little family unit of a goofy, lovable dog and my favorite human in the whole wide world that I can be creative and weird with. We're doing and making awesome things. I'd begin to remember how much fun coffee culture is, and how I can delve into that in order to enjoy the cafe while I was still a barista.

I must give a shout-out to those coworkers who have found their calling through service. These people do a lot of hard work, work really strange hours, and are kings and queens of working with people. It's amazing how you can change someone's day with one cup of coffee, and their passion and drive for the beans and the customers are crazy-admirable.

I guess my point about this post is: if you work hard, stay positive, and make the best out of what you've got, you can't go wrong. It's a bit of a cliche, but there is so much truth to why this fact has been repeated so often. You, too can make your dreams come true. Your ship will come in, and when it does, it's only the beginning. Until it does, enjoy walks in the rain, farmers markets, cups of coffee, stupid furry animals, or whatever little simple, magical, everyday treasures that make life worthwhile. When your day comes, also remember that you need to keep those things around still. No job is easy, and while a career is wonderful, I know I can't curl up with it at night. I can have it all, and I will have it all.

I can easily say these have been just the sweetest days of my life. I thank everyone who has been a part of it. <3

xx emily

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Boudoir Photography FAQ - 5/24/16

 There are a lot of questions I get asked again and again when it comes to Boudoir Photography, and it's totally normal! I've decided to answer a few of the more common questions, and while I will happily answer them anytime for anyone, if you were curious about boudoir photography, this post is a great way to find out answers to a bunch of questions all at once! You might not have even realized that this is a question you have, yet.

I'm not comfortable sharing my images online, is that okay?
YES! Absolutely! This applies to ANY portrait session, not just boudoir. Of course I love when my clients sign model releases--it allows me to promote my business, keep an updated portfolio, and share how awesome you look with others. You are in these pictures, and if you don't want them online I will not share them. Your privacy and comfort is of utmost importance.

Do you offer retouching?
Yes! I do a basic treatment of the skin with everyone. I don't go crazy with airbrushing as I want you to look natural, still. Taking off body weight or reshaping your figure is something I don't do. If there is something you are particularly self-conscious about, let me know!

Can I bring a friend?
One or two friends are more than welcome, as long as they don't distract from the shoot! Friends can help you feel happy and comfortable, and as long as you don't bring an entourage, the more the merrier! If it's a boudoir day, please make sure your friend is female as sessions overlap and are back to back. I don't want to make anyone feel uncomfortable.

Are hair and makeup included? Can I do my own to save money?
Professional hair and makeup are ALWAYS included with my boudoir sessions. I find this amenity a necessary service as part of an experience and high-quality product. You may come in with your hair and makeup styled as you like it, but the makeup artist will accent your look and make you camera-ready. This service is not able to be deducted from session fees.

Will it feel as though there is a lot of makeup on my face?
Probably, that is a typical reaction. However, the amount of makeup will not impact the photos. Our makeup artists specialize in camera-ready makeup that accents and complements your already-gorgeous self. Please let the makeup artist or myself know if there is any concerns. Remember that some makeup may fall away during the shoot and not all of it will be picked up by the camera. What you see inches in front of you will be very different a few feet away from the lens.

How long does the shoot take?
Most Boudoir sessions only need 30 minutes to 2 hours and you will get plenty of images to choose from in your edit.

Do I get all the files to my images?
I do not include images, all digital files are sold separately or offered as bonus incentives depending on the session or the event.

Do you provide the wardrobe?
I may have a few props on hand, but please bring your own wardrobe! Bring as many options as possible, we will work together to figure out outfits and how many we can do! If you need help with what to wear, bring whatever you wish to try or ask us for ideas beforehand! We're open books and happy to help!

I'm not photogenic, will you help pose me?
YOU ARE photogenic, as you will learn, and I absolutely will. I have a questionnaire that helps figure out what you are comfortable with in terms of your personal body confidence and awareness and I will always pose you to flatter your body type. It's important to remember that no body is the "perfect" body shape. There is short, tall, curvy, skinny, and so many other adjectives to describe a human body. Also, it's whats on the inside that counts, and this is about loving yourself in your own skin. I promise that you will look nothing short of fantastic.

Do you photograph nudity?
I only photograph implied nudity, and keep everything very tasteful. This separates boudoir from pornography. I'm not trying to censor anything, I'm just trying to make sure the images remain artful while showing as much skin as possible.

How much skin do I have to show?
If you want to be practically naked or are just comfortable prancing around in a sundress, that is fine. We will do whatever you are comfortable with, and our questionnaire will help with that.

How long will it take to get my pictures back?
It can take 2-4 weeks to get photos back depending on how long your shoot was and how much retouching is necessary! Prints take anywhere from 2-4 weeks, and press products like albums or fine art (canvases, etc) can take 6-12 weeks.

New questions will arise, and honestly...I probably forgot a few of them on here. I never want a client to feel afraid to ask me anything. There is no such thing as a stupid question, and the more you ask, the more comfortable you will feel when it comes time to do your shoot! :-)

xx emily

Friday, May 20, 2016

MayDay Boudoir Session #4 - 5/1/16

This woman is one of the most confident and body-positive people I've ever met. She could teach me a thing or two (she really could, she's a personal trainer).

The energy of this awesome lady is astounding. She's incredibly spirited, knows what she wants, and knows how to have fun and keep laughing: I can only imagine her clients feel amazingly lucky to have this portrait of feminine strength as an instructor. She did these photos to help promote her services, but she owned this session and made it about her. She's powerful, strong (fit as hell--WOW), so sweet, and a leader.

Kudos to this woman for rocking at picture-taking and life in general. We need more people like her in this world.

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

#AskEmilytheArtist: Questions from May 11th, 2016 - 5/18/16

Good Morning & Happy Wednesday!

Last week I started #AskEmilytheArtist where you ask me questions with this hashtag on Twitter & SnapChat (ylimesotrab). You can ask me questions anytime, of course, but to make Wednesdays fun I started this idea in order to talk more about art in social media, and to interact more with followers or people who just have questions about anything creative or art-related.

Thanks @JenaRichter for your question! This is a hard one to answer because so many things do, and I could go on and on for a while. I could do many series of blog posts about this, and just point at my 67 Pinterest boards. Some are easy: I love weird things that may/may not exist in this world, hence my interest in monsters; nature and the outdoors; the idea of traveling the world; everything from the golden Hollywood area: old Hollywood films, vintage stylings, pinups; the arts in all forms--particularly illustration, design, and photography; the challenge of finding the beauty in the banal everyday; and of course bright colors and most things fantastical (unicorns)!
I would have to say though, my biggest inspiration is found through empowering people, particularly women with boudoir. As a woman, I've had my own issues with self-confidence, self-love, and self-worth. These are still things I struggle with, and I'm just going to say it so I don't get misunderstood--men and women are equal, and both can have these issues, and if I can have a role in helping both genders, I'm all for it. Naturally, I am more in-tune with my own gender identity and I find my interests and style to generally work better for women. After all, I'm attempting to incorporate unicorns in all my branding. I know I have a talent and means to make people look and feel beautiful, and getting to know my clients and how amazing they are....they're the ones that truly inspire me. I can find the beauty inside and out, and help them remember or realize it and get a boost of self-confidence. I remember how it felt to find my own, and the idea of doing this for others makes me want to stop at nothing to create things that work with this idea.

This is such a fun question, @bashattack! This is tricky too, because I love so many artists...but I would have to say, Vincent Van Gogh. He worked so hard his entire life and made so many amazing paintings with a style that was his own, and to this day, there is no one else with the originality he used with his brushstrokes. You can't touch it. Of course, the Dr. Who episode Vincent and the Doctor is my favorite, and had a chance to show what a magical human being he was and how much sadness and emotion there was. I love how he painted everyday scenes but made them twisted, colorful, and anything but ordinary. I try and do that with my work. To collaborate with this master would be a dream come true!

Being that today is Wednesday, and the day is young, I am taking questions again today! Please ask me questions on Twitter and SnapChat (links and usernames above) with the hashtag:


Questions can be about anything having to do with art, creative things, photography, design, drawing, working as a freelance artist...the possibilities are near-endless! I want to connect with all of you and create an art community where we can bring it to a greater population--through my brand, yours if you have one, and ourselves as individuals! Examples of questions include:
  • Where are the best places to shop for art supplies online?
  • What type of camera and equipment do you use?
  • What is your process in developing a brand?
  • Where do you shoot boudoir photography if you don't have a studio?
  • Where are awesome places to see art in my town?
 The possibilities of questions are endless, and I invite you to ask me! I will write about all the questions that I receive on a Wednesday the following week. We just got started, and I want to make this fun for everyone!

I hope you all have a great day! Work hard, treat others well, and take time for yourself and find some inspiration in your day! <3

xx emily

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

I'm afraid, too. Sincerely, your Boudoir Photographer. - 5/17/16

When people learn that I'm a boudoir photographer, I don't know what they think of me. I'm sure many choose to be tight-lipped and will see it as soft core pornography no matter what (It isn't!) Sure, most people I know and associate with have gotten super excited and have shared compliments along the lines of oh my god that's so awesome! or I love boudoir! Holy shit, that's great! Sometimes I wonder if people assume I have the raging self-confidence and happiness that I try to bring out of my clients. It's true, to some level I have to embody these traits. I have to practice what I preach and bring this strength into my shoots and my business in order for it to work and convey the message I want in my photographs. Most of all, to see that major self-confidence boost in my clients and to gush over their beautiful, badass selves in their photographs.

Would you find it odd if I told you that I've never had a boudoir session done? What if I told you I'm insecure, often self-conscious, as well as anxious?

I know I'm human, and that's okay. As a person trying to make a creative professional freelance business work, is it alright to share this vulnerability about myself. Will this honesty hurt me? Will people realize this about me and not want me to take their pictures? Will they think it's hypocritical that I push feminine strength and self-confidence into my business plan and mission, YET I am the queen of anxiety?

Before this goes any further, as a side note: I was likely overthinking the last paragraph.

I know that as a person, I believe in honesty. I also try to carry this value with how I shoot. Still, you could see my struggle in talking about this. I also value the importance of allowing yourself to be human. Can I be honest, vulnerable, and self conscious and be polished and professional? I guess I allowed myself to talk about this today because if anything, I want to show my clients that it's okay to feel this way. It's natural, it's human, and quite frankly, it is to be expected.

I've made a lot of mistakes over and over,  and I've gone through many self-discoveries. Haven't you? Sometimes we make terrible mistakes and hurt people, and sometimes we don't learn right away. Sometimes you think you finally found yourself and have your life figured out. Well my friend, the truth is that you will go through this over and over and over again...and you're doing alright as long as you're trying...

...and remembering how awesome you are from time to time, bringing back that self-love that is hiding in there somewhere.

I'm also afraid of letting a client down. I'm terrified that somehow my awkwardness that I cherish as being quirky will make them uncomfortable. I fear that they will look at their photographs and they are not what they expected, and even worse, they do not feel that joy I yearn to bring through delivering photographs that make them look and feel stunning and that they've got the world in their back pocket.

I can't let these fears that are for the most part created and nonsensical affect my photography. I need to remember that these feelings are natural and that I'm human and I can make mistakes. If anything, these fears give me a viewpoint into the minds of my clients who are nervous and feeling uncertain about themselves going ahead with this life passage of getting practically-naked in front of a camera. My understanding of their emotions will help me best reach them, and I can truly mean it when I say "It's okay to be nervous, but we're here to have fun and I promise you will look beyond-stunning." As it turns out, I have found my confidence in my work and myself by allowing myself to be anxious and vulnerable. That is the root of where Boudoir works. You are physically vulnerable by showing so much skin, this uncomfortable feeling can migrate to your brain making you feel exposed. Choosing to be brave, loosening up, having fun, and finding that inner beauty through the skin, body, and mind you have at that very moment is where this magical equation works. This is why I shoot. This is why I am okay sharing this with you. Remembering HELL YEAH I'M AWESOME, LET'S DO THIS! It works with boudoir, and it works with life.

I look at the photographs I took, and I remember how much I kick ass at this, and the girl on fire is found. I hope the photographs I take of you are a lasting reminder of how amazing YOU are.

I'll know this even more someday when I finally get my boudoir photos done.

xx emily

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Kat's MayDay Boudoir Day Photos (Session #3) - 5/1/16

Session three? Correct. Session #2 must remain secret until a certain time, therefore we will skip ahead to the third session from MayDay Boudoir Day!

Kat is a dear friend of mine, and happily offered to attach her name to these photographs. Our friendship started from an introduction of a mutual friend (of course, another photographer) and we connected during a time in our lives where we were both trying to find new beginnings. She did this shoot for herself, to have fun, and to clearly look AMAZING! What I like most about Kat's photos are that you see many sides to one person: someone soft, sensitive, eclectic, spirited, vivid, edgy, sweet, and down to earth.

Kat knows herself well, and her originality is what makes her so uniquely awesome and gorgeous inside and out!