I'm not trying to be repetitive, but even though every single reaction I've learned of was positive I figure it would be alright to share this survey as well (if you stay tuned until the end here, I've got a bit of news regarding Boudoir).
Yes, I knew. I sort of figured they were from a previous era, I didn't think they were something we would ever have.
2) Did you ever expect that your lady would ever do this?
I did not expect her to do it, but she does tend to be spontaneous.
3) Did you receive these photographs as a gift for a particular occasion? If so, what was it?
4) Before you even saw the photos, what were your initial thoughts once you figured out what your present was?
I'm not sure I figured it out until I opened the album. I was pretty surprised and excited to look through the photos together.
Yes, it was an anniversary present
I'm not sure I figured it out until I opened the album. I was pretty surprised and excited to look through the photos together.
5) How did your significant other give these to you (ie: prints, flash drive, album)?
I received a fold out album and 8x10 photos.
6) What were your thoughts as you were looking through the photos?
were great, I enjoyed looking through them with her. It was a kind of
softer more vulnerable side of her that I don't often get to see. Plus
she looked great.
7) Would you say your lady gained any self confidence or self esteem from the photos?
think she did, she was smiling the entire time we flipped through them
together, and she still mentions how fun the session was, even a couple
years later.
8) Do you still look at the photos?
Yes, from time to time
9) Do you think Boudoir Photos make a great gift?
It was a good gift, it definitely made me feel special that she wanted to do this for me.
10) What are your thoughts on boudoir photography overall now that you've received this gift?
It was a great way to keep our relationship fresh, I would recommend it.
As the photographer, I'm always curious about how the partner will react to the photos if they are being given as a gift. I of course am confident that they will love them, I think about being in their shoes and if my partner had done something like this for me, I'd feel very special and admire my partner for glowing in self-confidence and showing their sexy side. What stuck out most to me about this response is how he detailed that he saw a side in his partner that isn't there everyday, and how he recommends this as a great way to keep a relationship fresh.
The reality of relationships is that you get comfortable with each other and settle into a norm. If you have surpassed major milestones such as marriage already, sometimes creativity is required in order to mix up your routine and rediscover exciting aspects from earlier in the relationship. I'm not saying to use Boudoir as a way to save a relationship, but no matter what it provides something new for you both, and sometimes we all need that in any aspect of our lives, not just our relationships. It's just like trying out a new hair color or having a new experience such as skydiving.
If you are looking to "freshen things up"...we are planning TWO more Boudoir Days for this year at least. We are not quite ready to start advertising and booking, but we are excited to announce that two dates are confirmed and we will be announcing one for this summer VERY soon!
Don't forget, we are always available for individual sessions as well!
Have a great week, and keep your eyes peeled for more photos to be shared from the MayDay Boudoir Day!
xx emily

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