Thursday, November 12, 2015

Forest Hill Cemetery (11/6/15)

There is a large cemetery just down the road a ways from where I live. I've walked by it hundreds of times and acknowledged its presence, but I overlooked it as a simple landscape with rows of granite slabs.

The city of Madison purchased the land for Forest Hill Cemetery in 1857 around the time of the Civil War. Given the fact that this occured during the Civil War, the cemetery is rich with civil war history--including a Union soldier plot, a Confederate plot (held prisoner at Camp Randall), and there are several Native American burial mounds on the land as well.

There are tales of ghosts being present here. We did not see any that day, if you are curious...but the trip provided interesting history, a splendid fall hike, as well as an opportunity to photograph some hauntingly beautiful and  interesting subject matter.

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