I suppose it is better late than never, but here is a double Monster Monday post (on a Tuesday...I know) that I have been very excited to share. The fact is, I had a bit more to share than just a monster, and I will use the holidays as an excuse for my lack-of-one last week.
For Monday the 28th (which I did start yesterday, by the way) I created a digital illustration of a Beholder from the Dungeons and Dragons Monster Manual.
For Monday the 28th (which I did start yesterday, by the way) I created a digital illustration of a Beholder from the Dungeons and Dragons Monster Manual.
On the fourteenth, I sculpted this little guy. He was the first Monday Monster made from Sculpey. Sculpey was one of my favorite mediums as a child, where I constantly created creatures from my own mind and brought them to "life" through polymer clay. I recently rediscovered my love for this clay and had a happy accident with Amazon...therefore I've begun creating a bunch of these little guys for fun (and as Christmas gifts) and became inspired to finally join Etsy...here is my little Monday Mongrel (he still needs a name!) as well as some of his friends (or enemies) that will soon be available in the Etsy shop once they have a photoshoot.
Many of these monsters were created as Christmas gifts, so now that they have been gifted, I can finally share them! The rest (including this Monday Menace) will be for sale, soon!

xx Emily